
  • Xanga...

    So lovelyosh has moved on. So sad :( but, I wasn't digging the way they did things so I emailed Xanga and they helped my get back! So I'm Wendy.xanga.com...pretty dang cool. Longer post later TC :)

  • Off

    I can't get logged in on a regular PCM only on the app anyone know the dealio??

  • Backpacks

        So, the paper today has an article wanting, where people want to ban backpacks at major events. I really totally get this, but what i would like to understand why we are letting fear rule us? We are letting extreme instances dictate how we live and what we do. Sooner rather than later we are all going to be miserable.

    When you begin letting what one person does affect how you rule your life, the decisions you make and the course you take you are giving up your rights as a human being and living in the lines by those who not only want to scare you but RULE YOU.

    We are all scared, I along with you. But i resolve not to let these instances rule my life, change my character or who i am. i am going to live my life with strength. I will not let the events of some change how I live my life.


    Just what's bouncing around in my mind today!!

  • Mini

    So as much as I love my nook I decided to get a iPad mini. Have to say so far it is pretty sweet.

  • a simple request of myself...

         I said I was going to start blogging more. I was going to get how I feel out there. Have I? Hell no! I'm so disappointed in myself! I should be able to be comfortable enough to jot down a few thoughts. I even have my *Bloom reminding me to blog every night at 5pm!!! Ugh, I have to work on this!!


  • Nook Color

    The have stopped making it :-S!! Wow,  I didn't know that until I was nosing around on the BN site today and just realized that my beloved Nook Color is obsolete! Wow, I bought mine 3 years ago and have had little issues with it. I guess if something happens to it I can break down and buy an I PAD Mini or something. That way I can read my kindle books and my BN books. too!






    Anyone else shocked by this?



  • attitudes

         So, why is it so acceptable to have such an attitude now a days. If i had showed even a stranger the kind of respect I see my mother would have had me picking up my teeth off the floor. Do people not understand that lies, hate anger and stupidity just make everything 10 times worse in the long run.
         Do people not understand that once you begin telling one lie you have to tell more and more because nothing quite measures up to the truth. You know, I did at one time know all this from the frontal view as lies and drama were a mainstay. Not for long mind you, I learned that one lie begets another and another and that the truth was just an easier life to live. I am though at this time at a loss to try and make people understand the other side, the side I am not sitting on. I guess they have to learn the hard way...

    Sucks it has to be that way >.<

  • Music

    When it comes to Music, I love it all. Of course, I do have my absolute favorites, well lots of them.

    It depends on what i'm in the mood for. The only thing i'm not wild about is acid rock, BUT, I find myself listening to it on occasion too. So, I can't say that either.

    Right now, I keep jumping between two playlists. One is CLEARLY Hip Hop/Dance

    Macklemore (yea i know i need help ;)

    Plus some more

    The other Play list, get this ...

    Norah Jones
    Dizzy Gillespie
    Eric Clapton
    Tom Pretty

    And more...

    So that is me basically confused as hell, as usual !!!

  • Sunday nights

    Sitting an relaxing before what will be a very very busy week! Thank goodness for Cosmo

  • Exhausted

    It's been one of those days where your just done!! See you all in the am!