23 November, 2012

  • Busy

         So, I have been incredibly busy with life the last few months, i have not done anything other than keep my facebook updated, and then that is half done at best. I have been working my tail off trying to change things.

         Janni is graduating this year, well this school year. My first child is 18? REALLY? I feel so ...... something. It's not old, it's not wise it's just..survivish! That is a good word. It is pretty hard to raise a truly "good" girl, and mine well. She has a smart mouth, opinionated, sassy, smart (very very smart), and she has a bit of common sense. Not all the time mind you, but no one is perfect.

         Megan got gold in her Bowling tournament. I am so proud of her accomplishments. She has done a really good job, and she is very dedicated to what she does. She wants to get a job and help us out. That is very noble and very sweet.

         Cassie, she plays the flute, and she is also very smart. She is going to out smart herself some day. She is a classic teenager, you know the kind that know everything.

         Diane, loves her cartoons and the color pink. Which I think is awesome. I think she is pretty awesome in her own right!