2 January, 2013

  • Exhausted

    It's been one of those days where your just done!! See you all in the am!

1 January, 2013

  • Tank Tops!

    I have a huge number of tank tops, all different kinds. I did not really know how many I had till i started cleaning out that drawer this evening. >.<. I have decided I will wear one a day ;) I'll let you know how it goes!

23 November, 2012

  • Busy

         So, I have been incredibly busy with life the last few months, i have not done anything other than keep my facebook updated, and then that is half done at best. I have been working my tail off trying to change things.

         Janni is graduating this year, well this school year. My first child is 18? REALLY? I feel so ...... something. It's not old, it's not wise it's just..survivish! That is a good word. It is pretty hard to raise a truly "good" girl, and mine well. She has a smart mouth, opinionated, sassy, smart (very very smart), and she has a bit of common sense. Not all the time mind you, but no one is perfect.

         Megan got gold in her Bowling tournament. I am so proud of her accomplishments. She has done a really good job, and she is very dedicated to what she does. She wants to get a job and help us out. That is very noble and very sweet.

         Cassie, she plays the flute, and she is also very smart. She is going to out smart herself some day. She is a classic teenager, you know the kind that know everything.

         Diane, loves her cartoons and the color pink. Which I think is awesome. I think she is pretty awesome in her own right!




15 June, 2012

  • Facebook Friends

    I was thinking the other day, well this morning actually that there is NO way i'm the only person facebook who has tracked down every last friend (well most of them anyway) that i had in Childhood. I have the people I was born with, the people I went to school with, and the people I work with! I just sat back in awe about how amazing that it is we can actually do that. It makes the old saying "you will never see them again" kinda the biggest lie ever told you know?

    Makes me wonder what the next "thing" will be that will make an old adage the biggest lie ever told ;)

11 June, 2012

  • HI

    so I have been completely #lazy, and not posting in a very long time. I happen to love my blog and i'm going to start working on it more. Not sure if anyone pays attention however, I will be posting more :)



12 October, 2011

  • Torn between two blogs

    Ok, I have my own site, mazeofmymind.com and I blog there at times, and I blog here at times. I would love to merge the two but just have not bothered to figure out how to do it. I know some have some have not et cetera and, I know there are flip sides to both. I ADORE my lovelyish blog but when I get busy it kinda get's shelved. And, the same goes with my own blog on my own site, I kinda of shelve it too when I'm busy, or just have nothing nice to say.

    So, I guess the question is ....... to do or not to do, to merge is the question.....

    Advise would be helpful if you feel like giving!!

26 July, 2011

  • Nook!

    So I adore my nook. We all know this I'm wondering WHY no app Xanga pretty please

  • I don't know what this is...

    So it's 4:56 Am local time. And, as usual I'm awake. If I was not awake this time of day it would be because I have induced myself to sleep with a sleeping pill. Why? Allow me to explain the complexity of my life.

    1. I work nights Thurs-Sat and every other Wednesday.

    2. I worry a bunch. I know most of it is senseless worry and while i'm working on it. It is a work in progress I have  yet to master :) .

    I know these really aren't valid reasons for why I don't sleep well, but they are pretty much what I can come up with. So, I think i'm done whining and will move on to the next post.

19 July, 2011

  • everybody is hot hot hot ...

    I am sweltering. And, yes I am whining about it. The dog days of summer are upon us in the Midwest USA and man they are here. I would like to le sigh my way out of this one but, I cannot. It's literally making me sick. Bleh! And, I am not out in it as much as some people just letting my mouth go yanno?

18 July, 2011

  • Somedays

    I tell you some days when I am not working I feel like Sunlight is kryptonite to me. The sun comes up and I get so sleepy. I guess that is the price of working nights lol!

    Other than that, it's been a pretty good weekend so far. Going to get some things taken care of tomorrow so we will see how it goes. Sorry i've been gone for so long but things have been sillah!!!